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hotston 28 мая 2004 08:13

Песня для Эми... от Бобби Бишоп
я сожалею, что эта песня не моя и не на русском...

но этот текст...!!! слов нет!!!
вышибает слезу...

текст с копирайтом, однако...
A Song for Amy
Copyright 2001 Bobby Bishop

She said hi my name’s Amy/Amy, welcome to our group/listen, thanks for real/I really didn’t wanna come/it took that extra push from my mom to get me here/anyways/you know my reason is the same/it’s hard to talk about and explain/the day that I was, you know/raped/go ahead Amy we understand/you understand?/you can’t/unless you’ve ever had a man/shove his hands down your pants/with no consent/snuff you in the face and leave you there breathing/then he flees the scene/nobody seen what took place/and you’re left there scared straight/dazed staring at the ceiling/with these sinister faces/pasted in your memory/can’t even muster up the strength/to yell ‘somebody help me’/and now you dread getting out of bed/every morning with this in your head/it’s incessant/it doesn’t want to end/this feeling of loss of control/cuz they stole the one thing they know I hold close and defend/and I live as though my life hasn’t changed and I pretend/but this never-ending question is just spinning in my head

Why do bad thing have to happen to good people?/I with I could believe humanity wasn’t so see-through/but I can’t because this darkness just surrounds me like a cloud/why would God teach me how to swim/just to watch me drown?

She said hi, it’s me, Amy, remember me?/Listen, I wanna say I’m sorry for my outburst last week/but I think I’m ready now to share my story with the group/but please understand/this wasn’t due to anything I pulled/and I admit I hid the truth from my friends/from my peers/feared they’d stop being dependent/wouldn’t dare to come near/do they think I spread my legs so readily?/will they think I’m loose, refusing to believe I’m not just making up this story/I was dealing with this instance/I was haunted with this fear/clear I wasn’t believing this/and I wasn’t allowing tears/insecurities/are they staring at me as I pass through school?/can’t stand the odor of a chlorinated pool/cuz that’s when it all flashes back and I retract to that/night after practice/pulling off my swimming cap/when that backpack just smacked me in my face/and as I tried to catch myself all I could see in the place/were bright lights in my eyes/blinding me from the surprise from five guys/from my/algebra class/this all happened so fast/shut up slut, keep your mouth shut/they won’t believe you anyways/as I tried to refrain/from screaming out in pain/and I’m waiting for an ending to this day/cuz they won’t go away/they’re just imbedded in my brain/this horrid stain/why should I try to even cry/to even pray/I wish that I could end my life/cuz I don’t want to live today


She said/listen I want to let you know that I’m doing fine/it’s just I’ve had things on my mind/and I’ve been waiting for the right timing/to let you guys know I realize/you try to bring life to young lives/to really speak and reach inside and open up our eyes/I was reminded of the time/that I told you of my life-changing afternoon/at school in early June/and how you took my hands and prayed the Lord would guide me through/the things I had to do for my recovery and renewal/and that I was a victim of some sick pathetic losers/but my maker sees me as a precious jewel/who’s profound/I was ashamed/I couldn’t raise my eyes off the ground/but now I’m seeing changes and I’m turning things around/there’s that question that was dancing in my mind/now I’ve found an answer and it’s freeing me/I breaking loose/no longer bound/you know, the question about good people having bad things happen?/didn’t understand your reply the first time that I asked it/but now I see the answer/it’s as simple as the question/it’s that God disperses blessings/but man remains man/with a free will to fill their lives and stand in God’s plan/or to take circumstances/mold them in their own hands/and deliberately/hurt another person for the purpose of perverted self-service/making victims feels worthless/but I’m not/cuz God’s got me in his arms/and I believe you when you say He wants me out of harm’s way/so I’m praying every day for His grace/and I recognize his face/I know He’ll wait/because He understands these trials that I’ve faced/and He’s got bigger plans for me/I took a stand today/no more waiting/these seeds are growing in anticipation of a blossom/that’s responding to the Son/and once again, I’m having fun/no more hesitation/now I’m praising Him/for His love with no conditions/and for listening with patience/yo, He entered in my heart/today I made that invitation


Tiramisu TestaRossa 28 мая 2004 08:38

аааааааа а на русском можно?:)

hotston 28 мая 2004 09:19


Цитата от Andre Jr. :
аааааааа а на русском можно?:)
сорри. надо переводить... как тока смогу... щас работой загружен...

deepxclan 28 мая 2004 23:20

хочу перевод...но по некоторым словам..........доступным мне...............класс

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