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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 21 января 2015, 00:25
  #1591 (ПС)
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Там про ангажированность Живаго, а не нобелевской премии.
я так понимаю, товарищ вариационные методы имел ввиду то, что нобелевку за "живаго" дали только из-за реакции совка и запрета на печать, тобишь происходило это исключительно в рамках идеологической борьбы.
Неправильный вывод, по-моему. Из документа следует, что приз достался (частью) из-за раскрутки книги, но это не значит, что без раскрутки его бы не дали. То есть на нобелевских масонов ЦРУ не давило (хотя хз, в те времена все могло быть ).

Новость интересна не столько Пастернаком, сколько этим: "Ранее ЦРУ анонсировало проведение в Центре Вудро Вильсона в Вашингтоне конференции "План Маршалла для ума", на которой речь шла о секретной программе ЦРУ по распространению книг в годы холодной войны. В ее рамках было объявлено, что мотивационная часть революций в странах бывшего Советского блока была подготовлена именно творческой интеллигенцией, произведения которой активно публиковались при поддержке ЦРУ.
Благодаря этой программе с 1958-го по 1991 год были распространены порядка 10 миллионов книг и периодических изданий между гражданами стран Восточного блока."
Правда, в интернете нет текстовых материалов конференции, (есть только видеозапись http://1.usa.gov/1IHUjds), как нет и списка идеологически правильной литературы, распространяемой в странах советского блока в рамках программы ЦРУ. А было бы интересно с таким списком ознакомиться.
никто не в курсе за это?
Novel mechanisms were developed to enable airplanes and balloons to drop
anti-Communist literature over the Soviet Union. When the wind was right, countless
leaflets and pamphlets were scattered across the land; or quantities of literature were
floated downstream in waterproof packages.
Soviet citizens coming to the West were met at every turn by NTS people
handing out their newspapers and magazines in Russian and Ukrainian. To facilitate
contact, NTS at times engaged in black market operations and opened small shops
which catered to Russians at cheap prices. From North Africa to Scandinavia, the CIA
network confronted Soviet seamen, tourists, officials, athletes, even Soviet soldiers in
East Germany, to present them with the Truth as seen by the "Free World", as well as to
pry information from them, to induce them to defect, or to recruit them as spies. Hotel
rooms were searched, phones tapped, bribes offered, or blackmail threatened in attempts
to reach these ends. Actions were also undertaken to entrap or provoke Soviet
diplomatic personnel so as to cause their expulsion and/or embarrass the Soviet Union.
The propaganda offensive led the US government into the book publishing
business. Under a variety of arrangements with American and foreign publishers,
distributors, literary agents and authors, the CIA and the United States Information
Agency (USIA) produced, subsidized or sponsored "well over a thousand books" by
1967 which were deemed to serve a propaganda need.14 Many of the books were sold in
the United Stares as well as abroad. None bore any indication of US government
involvement. Of some, said the USIA, "We control the things from the very idea down
to the final edited manuscript."15
Some books were published, and at times written, only after the USIA or the
CIA agreed to purchase a large number of copies. There is no way of determining what
effect this financial incentive had upon a publisher or author concerning a book's tone
and direction. In some cases, Washington released classified information to an author to
assist him or her in writing the book. In 1967, following revelations about CIA domestic
activities, this practice purportedly came to an end in the US although it continued
abroad. A Senate committee in 1976 stated that during the preceding few years, the CIA
had been connected with the publication of some 250 books, mostly in foreign
languages.[16] Some of these were most likely later reprinted in the United States.
The actual identity of most of the books, however, is still classified. Among
those which have been revealed are: The Dynamics of Soviet Society by Walt Rostow,
The New Class by Milovan Djilas, Concise History of the Communist Party by Robert
A. Burton, The Foreign Aid Programs of the Soviet Bloc and Communist China by Kurt
Mullet, In Pursuit of World Order by Richard N. Gardner, Peking and People's Wars by
MajorGeneral Sam Griffith, The Yenan Way by Eudocio Ravines, Life and Death in
Soviet Russia by Valentin Gonzalez, The Anthill by Suzanne Labin, The Politics of
Struggle: The Communist Front and Political Warfare by James D. Atkinson, From
Colonialism to Communism by Hoang Van Chi, Why Vietnam? by Frank Trager, and
Terror in Vietnam by Jay Mallin. In addition, the CIA financed and distributed
throughout the world the animated cartoon film of George Orwell's Animal Farm

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