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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 2 августа 2015, 17:10
  #2690 (ПС)
-Цитата от scientist_ Посмотреть сообщение
Юрий Мухин арестован в Симферополе и этапируется в Москву! Да! Ну и ну! Вот это да! Ничего себе! Писатель, публицист,патриот. Это за что же?

Довольно ироничная история получилась с защитником репрессий

-Цитата от MC_Sharky Посмотреть сообщение
Канадону на заметку.
Рассекречены агитматериалы Великой Отечественной и документы по Освенциму
Не думаю, что это изменит ситуацию с позорным статусом историографии Холокоста в России. Остается надеяться, что немецкие или другие западные историки воспользуются, если царек врата откроет.

С полок московских книжных магазинов убрали комикс о холокосте «Маус» художника Арта Шпигельмана из-за изображения свастики на обложке.

-Цитата от MC_Sharky Посмотреть сообщение
Канадон, высказывался ли где-нибудь господин Харрис по-поводу своего отношения к международному праву и юридической легитимности односторонних военных вмешательств со стороны США? Если да, интересно почитать.
What constitutes a civil society? At minimum, it is a place where ideas, of all kinds, can be criticized without the risk of physical violence. If you live in a land where certain things cannot be said about the king, or about an imaginary being, or about certain books, because such utterances carry the penalty of death, torture, or imprisonment, you do not live in a civil society. It appears that one of the most urgent tasks we now face in the developed world is to find some way of facilitating the emergence of civil societies everywhere else. Whether such societies have to be democratic is not at all clear. Zakaria has persuasively argued that the transition from tyranny to liberalism is unlikely to be accomplished by plebiscite. It seems all but certain that some form of benign dictatorship will generally be necessary to bridge the gap. But benignity is the key and if it cannot emerge from within a state, it must be imposed from without. The means of such imposition are necessarily crude: they amount to economic isolation, military intervention (whether open or covert), or some combination of both." While this may seem an exceedingly arrogant doctrine to espouse, it appears we have no alternatives. We cannot wait for weapons of mass destruction to dribble out of the former Soviet Union-to pick only one horrible possibility-and into the hands of fanatics.

We should, I think, look upon modern despotisms as hostage crises. Kim Jong Ii has thirty million hostages. Saddam Hussein had twenty-five million. The clerics in Iran have seventy million more. It does not matter that many hostages have been so brainwashed that they will fight their would-be liberators to the death. They are held prisoner twice over-by tyranny and by their own ignorance. The developed world must, somehow, come to their rescue. Jonathan Glover seems right to suggest that we need "something along the lines of a strong and properly funded permanent UN force, together with clear criteria for intervention and an international court to authorize it." We can say it even more simply: we need a world government How else will a war between the United States and China ever become as unlikely as a war between Texas and Vermont? We are a very long way from even thinking about the possibility of a world government, to say nothing of creating one. It would require a degree of economic, cultural, and moral integration that we may never achieve. The diversity of our religious beliefs constitutes a primary obstacle here. Given what most of us believe about God, it is at present unthinkable that human beings will ever identify themselves merely as human beings, disavowing all lesser affiliations. World government does seem a long way off-so long that we may not survive the trip.

Если по-буржуйски андерстендишь, то недавно в подкасте затрагивали эту тему с Дэн Карлином, который, в отличие от Хомского, мегаприятен.


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