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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 9 февраля 2009, 05:03
  #13 (ПС)
Question  Blizzard support.
Apparently, some people who simply "bought points" from win traded teams or bought win trading teams are getting banned as well. world of warcraft goldThis has caused some confusion among people. buy wow gold Blizzard poster Ananathes confirmed what other posters said: While Blizzard has not cracked down on buying high level teams in the past, or declared it illegal,wow gold they do not support it in any way either -- and certainly, cheap wow goldsome of the new season 4 rules are specifically designed to make it nearly impossible. Blue poster Reythur recommended that anyone who felt they were banned unjustly should contact Blizzard support.

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